When you start a new project, CafeTran creates a new translation memory called ProjectTM automatically. See its tab at the bottom of the main working panel. If you already have an existing TMX translation memory i.e. provided by your client, you can make use of it as follows:

  1. Click "Add memory" button in Dashboard > Translation Memories (TMX) panel and choose your TMX translation memory file.
  2. Accept the default translation memory options and click the OK button. The selected translation memory is added to the list of the memories for the project.
  3. After the project is opened, the tab with the name of the chosen translation memory will appear. It will show the results of automatic searching and matching as you go to the next or previous segment in the project. The memory matches are displayed in the Matchboard too.

You can also open an existing translation memory .tmx file via the Memory > Open memory... menu. If you can't see the Memory menu, please check the menu View > Menus > Show memory menu to activate it.