Once you create a table in Total Recall, you can edit and search its segments directly.

  1. Activate the Total Recall interface via View > Show Total Recall menu.
  2. Select your table from the Total Recall > Memory tables menu. The tab with your table will open.
  3. Type a word to search for in the Search field or select a word of the current segment in the source/target segment pane.
  4. Click the "TR source" button in the search bar. The source language segments containing the searched word will appear in the table.
  5. Click the "TR target" button in the search bar. The target language segments containing the searched word will appear in the table.
  6. If you need to edit any segment in the table, select it and type in the source or target language pane under the table.
  7. After finishing the edition, click the "Save and refresh memory table" button in the table toolbar.

  • See other actions on the table such as "Add entry" and "Delete entry" in the table toolbar.