Once you create a table in Total Recall, you can edit and search its segments directly.
- Activate the Total Recall interface via View > Show Total Recall menu.
- Select your table from the Total Recall > Memory tables menu. The tab with your table will open.
- Type a word to search for in the Search field or select a word of the current segment in the source/target segment pane.
- Click the "TR source" button in the search bar. The source language segments containing the searched word will appear in the table.
- Click the "TR target" button in the search bar. The target language segments containing the searched word will appear in the table.
- If you need to edit any segment in the table, select it and type in the source or target language pane under the table.
- After finishing the edition, click the "Save and refresh memory table" button in the table toolbar.
- See other actions on the table such as "Add entry" and "Delete entry" in the table toolbar.