PPF packages are translation projects created by Transit CAT tool. They are zipped files which need to be unpacked before the translation in CafeTran. Follow these steps to prepare and translate a PPF package:

  1. Rename the received .ppf package to the .zip package and unzip it to a folder.
  2. Create a separate working folder outside the unpacked package.
  3. Locate the source language files in the unpacked package. They end with the three-letter language code for your source language.
  4. Copy the source language files to the working folder you created in step 2.
  5. Run CafeTran and create a new project choosing a single source language file in the working folder or the whole working folder with several files. If you choose a folder instead of a single file, please select "Multiple document project" option in the Dashboard menu.
  6. Choose Transit XML filter from the "File of type" list in the Project Configuration dialog and click the OK button.
  7. Translate the project and perform QA > Tags check making sure that tags are correct.
  8. Export the translation and go to CafeTran project's folder where the exported file(s) are located.
  9. Change the three-letter source language code in the name of exported file(s) to the three-letter language code of your target language.
  10. Copy the translated file(s) with the three-letter target language code to the unzipped PPF package folder.
  11. Find the PRJ (the project definition *.prj file) in the Transit PPF package folder. Edit it a text editor and change the value of the parameter IsExchange to 1.
  12. Zip back the folder and change the name (extension) of the zipped package from .zip to .tpf (project return).
  13. Send the translated .tpf return package to your client.

Note: You can find three-letter language codes for your language pair here.

If PPF package contains *.TXE terminology files to use in the translation, please perform the following:

  1. Choose Memory > Import TBX terminology... from CafeTran's menu.
  2. Navigate to the folder with the *.TXE terminology file and choose it.
  3. In Memory options, make sure "Fragments memory" option is selected.
  4. Click the OK button to import *.TXE terminology to CafeTran memory.