CafeTran can spell-check as you type in the target segment pane but first you need to install the spell checking dictionary for your target language.

  1. In CafeTran, go to the menu Edit > Spell checker.
  2. Click "Install the dictionary" button.
  3. Click at one of the links to download a dictionary for your target language.
  4. In the web browser page, find a zipped dictionary file (e.g.,,,, and right-click to download it to the Desktop. On Mac OSX system, connect as guest in Finder and then copy the dictionary file to the Desktop.
  5. Back in CafeTran, select the language of the dictionary and click the OK button.
  6. In the File Chooser, select the downloaded file and then restart CafeTran.
  7. Right-click at the red-underlined misspelled word in the target segment editor and choose the correct word for replacement. You can use the Ctrl+Space keyboard shortcut to replace the misspelled word at the cursor. If there are a few suggestions for replacement, keep pressing the Ctrl+Space shortcut until the suggested word is correct.