Split source-side alternatives in glossary: Augen-Arzt;Augenarzt\toogarts Will be split to: Augen-Arzt\toogarts Augenarzt\toogarts #!/usr/bin/perl while (<>){ chomp; ($lhs, $rhs) = split /\t/; foreach $s (split /;/, $lhs){ print "$s\t$rhs\n"; } } 1. Put a copy of the glossary.txt file on your Desktop. 2. Use a plain text editor to create a file called splitterms.pl. Copy the Perl script above into it and save it to your Desktop. 3. Open Terminal and execute the following two lines: cd ~/Desktop perl splitterms.pl glossary.txt > newglossary.txt The file newglossary.txt will appear on your Desktop in the format you want.